Behind-the-scenes footage of Pokémon Evolutions' sixth episode reveals the animation process used to create the shorts, showcasing why each episode looks unique and beautiful. Pokémon Evolutions is the fourth collection of miniseries episodes created by the Pokémon franchise to cover stories based around the video game series, instead of the traditional Pokémon animated series characters and plot points. The episodes each cover an important moment from one of the eight main series plotlines, animating scenes previously limited by early console gameplay.
While the Pokémon animated series and the miniseries shorts have changed regularly over the decades, the overall style has remained recognizable for fans of both the TV series and the games. Part of this is due to the episodes predominately remaining 2D, despite an industry-wide push in animation to move to 3D. The 2D characters and backgrounds have remained expressive and detailed, relying on the skill of the artist, unhampered by small digital budgets and software. This has allowed the content to age well, and remain recognizable regardless of what Pokémon story is being told.
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In a post shared by the Pokémon Twitter account, fans are given a side-by-side look at the animation process for episode 6 of Pokémon Evolutions. Zinnia is shown preparing to catch Rayqauza, with the above footage showing the finished episode, and the below footage covering the raw animation sketches and in-betweens of important moments. The 2D sketches give fans a look at each character and Pokémon's raw designs as well as unfinished portions of the 3D process.
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