An all-new animated Play-Doh feature film is in the works from the director of Crazy Rich Asians. As with many consumer products that begin their journey with a very different original purpose, Play-Doh first hit the scene as a wallpaper cleaner early in the 1930s. After some reworking and significant rebranding efforts, Play-Doh took to the toy market in the mid-1950s, capturing children's imaginations around the world. In 2003, the Toy Industry Association inaugurated Play-Doh into its «Century of Toys List,» which is a collective of the 20th century's 100 most creative and memorable toys.
As reported by Deadline, Eone and Hasbro are joining forces to bring audiences Play-Doh, an all-new animated feature film inspired by the children's modeling clay. Oscar-nominated screenwriter Emily V. Gordon (The Big Sick) will write the script, and Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians, Step Up films) will produce, and is circling the role of director as well. Chu and Gordon have both expressed their excitement about the project, saying, «The team looks forward to bringing the audience a moldable, pliable, iconically scented story about the importance of imagination.»
Related: Lilo & Stitch Live-Action Remake May Add Crazy Rich Asians Director Jon Chu
Play-Doh is the latest pairing from eOne and Hasbro since the renowned toy company acquired Eone in 2019. Since then, production on a slew of toy and game projects has begun across many platforms, including the film and television landscapes. Play-Doh looks to build on the success Hasbro and Eone have already attained. In association with Hasbro's toy properties, Paramount's Dungeons & Dragons movie is expected to release in March 2023. Additionally, the Transformers franchise looks to