The Persona franchise has been around since 1996 with the PlayStation release, Revelations: Persona. After that, the franchise continued to see launches into the marketplace, but they were mainly releases for the Sony PlayStation platforms. Of course, lately, we have seen a significant change for the IP as ports started to make their way over to other platforms. With the immense success of Persona 5, more fans worldwide are finding out about this franchise, and it might spark developers’ interest in multiple platform launches.
Persona 5 was a massive hit with fans, and it’s also quite a massive video game to get through. But since it launched on the PlayStation 3 and eventually on the PlayStation 4, fans were stuck to only using Sony platforms to enjoy this game. That ultimately changed later year with the launch of the game for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One platforms. So while other notable Persona installment ports came into the marketplace, some fans might wonder what this could mean for future games.
Recently, Sega Asia Blog posted an interview with the creative producer and director of Atlus’ Persona team, Kazuhisa Wada. During their conversation, the question about the future of the Persona series came up. The publication asked about how the Persona series will continue to grow in the future. Kazuhisa Wada noted that they are working to bring the Persona series to a wider audience, but that is all he could say at the moment. So it could mean the days of Persona games strictly launching on PlayStation is behind us.
We’re sure that this is fantastic news to hear if you’re a fan of the franchise but don’t happen to own a PlayStation 5. Again, with that said, there’s no confirmation