New hotfixes have been datamined which nerfs Normal and Heroic Anduin once again! There could be more changes to the encounter, but these are the ones that we were able to datamine.Befouled Barrier has been nerfed by 25% once again and the intermission damage of Remorseless Winter has been nerfed by 20% as well. This should reduce the healing requirement of the encounter.
Anduin summons a Befouled Barrier that inflicts 33724 Twilight damage to all players and creates a barrier that persists for 30 sec.75% of healing received by players within the area is redirected to the barrier. Up to 1216952 healing received reduces the size of the barrier. Upon expiration, the barrier explodes and inflicts 100 Twilight damage, tainting all players.
This effect absorbs up to 1 healing received based on the size of the Befouled Barrier. Effect #2 Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Absorb % Value: 381.2285.9 Difficulty: Normal Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Absorb % Value: 999749.25 Difficulty: Heroic Anduin manifests dark images of himself throughout the arena that cast Psychic Terror. Duration changed from 2 sec to 1.8 sec The presence of the Fallen King invokes a raging storm that inflicts 18736 Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to all players.