With Season 5 around the corner, Game Director Aaron Keller outlined some upcoming balance changes including nerfs to Hanzo and Widowmaker's one-shot power, Junker Queen nerfs, and adding soft CC to Cassidy and Mei.
Junker Queen Junker Queen's performance and pick rate spiked massively following her midseason 4 buffs. In Masters+, her pick rate is far above all other tanks, so Blizzard will be nerfing her. Queen's Commanding Shout is being reduced from 200 bonus HP to 150.Her ultimate cost will also be increased. Lifeweaver Lifeweaver has great playmaking ability, however he is still too weak overall. When introducing new heroes, they want to provide a reason for new heroes to be picked over existing heroes.
Once more people start playing Lifeweaver, Blizzard will have a cleaner read on where to take him. Lifeweaver's healing and damage will be buffed for Season 5. His hitbox will also be reduced, and a heal will be added to his Life Grip.
Widowmaker & Hanzo Blizzard wants to reduce the number of one-shots from Widowmaker and Hanzo. Widow's damage will falloff will be from 40-60 meters, instead of the current 70-100 meters, and will be increased from a 30% damage drop off to 50%. This means that she will no longer be able to one-shot headshot past 50 meters.
Hanzo will receive a slight damage decrease so that he will no longer one-shot headshot 250 hp heroes. Hanzo's sonic arrow will also be more recognizable to enemies, to reduce kills that feel like they come out of nowhere. Cassidy & Mei Blizzard thinks there is room for more Damage heroes to have CC, due to all the high mobility heroes while only having 1 tank.
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