Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Outlaw Rogue in The War Within? Our Outlaw Rogue Writer, JustGuy, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme for the content you're looking to do in the upcoming expansion. Join us as we explore The War Within Outlaw Rogue!
With The War Within's release being just around the corner, it's the perfect opportunity to go shopping for a new main character or to check in and see what new bells and whistles your current main is getting. With hero talents being the focus of the expansion, I would like to share my opinion and explain what I do and don't like about the ones that Outlaw Rogue has been given and help give people a more educated understanding of what they might be getting into if they main Outlaw in The War Within.
In The War Within Outlaw Rogue has two new hero talents Trickster and Fatebound. Trickster Outlaw Rogues focus on a passive proc called Unseen Blade which after procing 4 times upgrades your Dispatch into a Coup de Grace which does increased damage. The other focus of the tree is Killing Spree with talents such as Disorienting Strikes giving it a lower cooldown and Flawless Form giving us a stacking damage buff. On the flip side, Fatebound Rogues are focused on a proc called Hand of Fate, which causes you to flip a coin every time you cast a finisher.