Capcom is reviving another of their classic franchises with Onimusha: Way of the Sword set to come out in 2026!
The Onimusha series has lent on a blend of Japanese history blended with supernatural elements for its setting, built around third-person hack and slash combat for the gameplay.
Debuting on PS2 in 2001, the series flourished through the generation with a string of sequels, a tactics spin-off on GBA and a fighting game. The most recent main new entry was Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams in 2006, so Way of the Sword will mark two decades since that point. We did have a remaster of the original in 2018, though.
Games have come a long, long way since then – just see Capcom’s mastery of the remake and remaster in recent years – so it will be fascinating what parts of the original concept they retain, and what they update and overhaul.