Leading up to the PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S release of Monster Hunter Wilds later this week on February 28, Capcom has released a new live action trailer for the game. This trailer shows off not only some in-game hunts, but also some real people hopping into the game to take down massive monsters. Check it out below.
While the latest trailer doesn’t reveal anything new about Monster Hunter Wilds, it does give us a great look at some of the game’s roster of monsters, newcomers like Lala Barina and returning ones like Nerscylla. Along with this, the trailer also places quite a bit of emphasis on the nature of balance between monsters, the humans that live alongside them, and hunters.
This echoes what director Yuya Tokuda has said about the game’s story earlier this month, where he said that it was inspired by “the relationship between people, nature, and monsters, and what exactly is a hunter’s role in a world like that.”
“We wanted to illustrate that not just through the gameplay, but a very deep story…,” he said. “There are many other things we have planned down the line that are aligned to the concept of Monster Hunter Wilds, and we’re confident this game was able to achieve what we wanted to express with it.”
On the other hand, players that would prefer to ignore the story in favour of jumping into the game’s loop of taking down massive monsters quicker can also just skip the cutscenes and dialogue. Tokuda does warn that this will lead to players missing out the title’s various character arcs and general story.
“We have various people living in that world, like Nata, who had his hometown destroyed by a monster, and Olivia, who wants to correct that,” he said. “There are many people with different perspectives living all together. And we also wanted to illustrate how the hunter would feel in a world like that. What would they feel? How would they think? Everybody is different, so we decided to add those kinds of elements to Monster Hunter Wilds.”
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