On March 29, 2023, prominent One True King (OTK) members Matthew "Mizkif," EsfandTV, Emily "Emiru," Chance "Sodapoppin," and a few others got together for the highly anticipated Game Night event. The content creators played against one another in the Riot Games-developed MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) League of Legends, with Mizkif's team going head-to-head against Sodapoppin's team.
The third round concluded with the latter defeating the former in a fairly one-sided game. This subsequently resulted in the Austin, Texas-based content creators fighting amongst themselves, with everyone calling each other out in the post-game lobby.
The most recent OTK Game Night event featured Mizkif's team going up against Sodapoppin's team. Here's the roster for the streamer's squad:
Team 1:
Team 2:
At the three-hour mark of his broadcast, Mizkif's team lost a game after they surrendered. He expressed his sentiments about the situation, claiming that his squad had "no chance" of winning a game at the event.
The 28-year-old personality further mentioned that his viewers suggested that he switch EsfandTV for Russel. When the former heard this, he asserted that he didn't want to be on the same team as fellow OTK member Tectone:
Mizkif slyly grinned after hearing this, and so did Emiru. Tectone responded by saying that they had a good game, to which EsfandTV replied:
Timestamp: 03:27:20
The 31-year-old streamer continued further and added:
At this point, the post-game lobby began to heat up as EsfandTV continued to vent about his experience playing alongside OTK members. Shortly after, Nmplol chimed in and expressed his dissatisfaction with his best friend Sodapoppin's gameplay abilities. The latter responded by saying:
The entertaining
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