The Orc Heritage Armor questline revolves around recreating the ancient Draenor tradition of Kosh'harg for Azeroth. During this festival, all the orcish clans put aside any rivalries to meet in peace for a grand celebration and feast. This questline features notable orcs from all over World of Warcraft's history, many of which have something unique to say! During the feast, Orcs are grouped up at different tables — often based on clan. One surprising addition to the Shattered Hand table is Garona Halforcen — who we get to see be officially invited to the clan!
Before the FeastThe Shattered Hand Clan is known for its spies, assassins, and secret agents, playing a similar role in the Horde to the SI:7 of the Alliance. The leader of this clan is Thega Graveblade.
Thega GravebladeDo not worry, the Shattered Hand will make sure our festivities aren't interrupted by any of the Alliance spies lurking just outside. Oh yes, they're out there. Even if we are at peace, we still keep eyes on each other. It keeps us both honest.Before the festivities begin, it's possible to speak with Rokaro, who was originally added to the game in Burning Crusade. Rokaro was introduced as Rexxar's friend to replace his role in the Onyxia's Lair attunement after Rexxar was moved to Outland — and he seems keen to speak with his old friend. Rokaro can be found standing with Kagtha, and is revealed to also be part of the Shattered Hand clan.
Well met, <name>. I am pleased to see so many orcs together, including the Mok'nathal. It has been some time since I have seen my friend, Rexxar. I look forward to catching up.Another surprising addition to this table is Garona Halforcen. The half-orc, half-draenei has a complicated history with the Horde.