File this one in the big “What the hell?” folder as it makes absolutely no sense. Konami have clarified the resolutions and frame rates for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection and for some reason the original Metal Gear Solid will only run at 30 frames per second, no matter the hardware you are on.
There’s also no 4K option for any of the games, even if you are on a more powerful console such as a PlayStation 5 of Xbox Series X. The PC version (via Steam) is also locked to the same resolution and frame rates.
Master Collection bundles together the PS1 classic Metal Gear Solid and PS2 landmarks Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in freshly remastered forms. There will also be the original Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and the NES version of Metal Gear and Snake’s Revenge – Diehard Kojima fans will know that Snake’s Revenge is not like the others in this collection.
The bundle will also come with plenty of bonus content, including a strategy guide for each game and the digital soundtrack. There will even be Metal Gear Solid graphic novel and screenplay books for Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater.
Announced back in May, the collection confirmed rumours of remakes or remasters of various Metal Gear games that had been swirling around the internet for a good while after Chinese developer Virtuos listed Konami as one of their clients last year, despite not having any kind of prior relationship.
Of course, there is another remake…Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will completely remake Metal Gear Solid 3 with fully modern visuals.
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 will be bursting out of its box onto Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC on 24th October 2023
Source: PSL