Meet Chasm...
Many of Spider-Man's most famous and deadly foes have strange personal connections to Peter Parker, and his latest enemy, debuting in March 30's Amazing Spider-Man #93 follows in those footsteps.
So who is Chasm, the mysterious new villain who seems to be shaping up as a sort of 'anti-Spider-Man' heading into April's relaunch of the Amazing Spider-Man title with a new #1?
The answer, as you may guess, is a huge spoiler - and it's someone both longtime and recent Spider-fans may recognize.
To explain who Chasm is, we've gotta give a short TL:DR on the events of Amazing Spider-Man #93 and the most recent happenings in the title overall. We'll keep it brief - promise. You can get all the nitty-gritty details of the larger implications of the issue and the reveal of Spidey's new nemesis right here.
Amazing Spider-Man #93 concludes the 'Spider-Man Beyond' storyline with a bloody and brutal fight between Peter Parker, the classic Spider-Man, and his clone, Ben Reilly, who has been operating as Spider-Man while Peter has been in the hospital with radiation poisoning.
Those who have been reading Spider-Man since the '90s know Ben as a clone of Peter Parker who once believed himself to be the genuine article, and who previously replaced Peter as Spider-Man for a while during the 'Clone Saga' storyline, leading to his recent stint in the mantle.
Though Ben thinks he's been doing good as a hero, he's also been under the employ of the sinister Beyond Corporation whose selfish machinations include shadily buying the legal trademark for the name 'Spider-Man' in the Marvel Universe, trying to get Ben Reilly to take down Miles Morales and stop him from using the name, and sending Ben on other missions with secret corporate