Black Diamonds are one of the most sought-after resources in . That's not just because they're a rare gem that Dwarves like to stuff their pockets full of, but also because they have a variety of useful applications in the game. However, that consequently makes them one of the harder resources to get your hands on.
First, and arguably most important, Black Diamonds are used to repair Ruined Mapstones, which you need to repair in order to unlock Fast Travel. Secondly, you can use Black Diamonds to craft tools, such as one of the game's best pickaxes. Last but not least,Black Diamonds are required later in the game to advance past certain points in the story. All in all, there is more than one reason as to why it's worth stockpiling this resource in .
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You can get Black Diamonds as a drop from killing Orc and Goblin enemies. However, that's not a very dependable way to farm the resource.The best method to get Black Diamonds in is from Orkish Chest.
Orc Camps or settlements found in the Mines of Moira area and beyond typically have a chest in the middle that requires an Ork key to open. Right next to the chest will be a wooden structure or totem that you need to destroy. This will drop an Ork Key, which will open the chest. The loot found in the chests almost consists of Black Diamonds. As a result, seeking out these camps and looting their chest is the best way to get Black Diamonds in .
If you can't find the Orc Key, you can break the chest with your pickaxe; the Steel Pickaxe is preferred over the Simple Pickaxe for this.
There is also a chance you can get Black Diamonds from mining. That being said, you're relying solely on RNG for this, and it will most likely be