The Election Commission has launched a nationwide campaign to link Voter ID to Aadhaar Card. Maharashtra and Tripura will start the initiative from today, whereas other states will also start the drive soon. The voluntary move has been taken to help create a "clean and transparent" photo-based electoral rolls and prevent duplicate entries.
The Election Laws (Amendment) Bill authorizing the linking of Aadhaar with voter ID was passed by the Lok Sabha last year.
Here's all you need to know about this Aadhaar-Voter ID linking drive:
Linking of voter ID with Aadhaar will establish the identity of an elector and prevent them from registering his or her name in more than one constituency.
This will make voters aware about the latest updates from the Election Commission through mobile notifications.
Voter ID and Aadhaar linking is voluntary and voters can choose not to link their cards.
Tripura's Chief Electoral Officer Kiran Gitte said, "The process will be voluntary and we appeal to all the electors to cooperate with the BLOs when they visit their houses. Under no circumstance, Aadhaar number of voters will not be published on the electoral rolls or voters' slips.”
EC has set up multiple camps in different states to help people link their Voter ID cards with Aadhaar cards. Users can also complete the process online by submitting form 6B with all necessary documents.
Visit the official portal of the National Voter's Service Portal (NVSP) -
Next, log in to the website and go to the "Search in Electoral Roll" option on the homepage.
Enter personal details and submit the Aadhaar number.
An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number or email.
Authenticate the OTP and it’s done. Your Voter ID card will be linked to the Aadhaar