As the Marvel Cinematic Universe makes its way through Phase 4, the lineup of superheroes in the franchise greatly expanded this past fall with the release of Eternals. Introducing 10 new characters to the fold, the ambitious story spans thousands of years and sets the stage for numerous possibilities moving forward. Among the many MCU newcomers is Sprite, played by Lia McHugh.
With Eternals now available on home media, Screen Rant spoke to McHugh about her experience making the film, where she'd like to see Sprite go next, and much more.
Related: Eternals Addressed Thanos, But Not Its Biggest Plot Hole
Screen Rant: The last time we chatted, Eternals did not come out yet. But now that it has, how has life changed for you? Have you noticed anything different? Is there a big cosmic shift?
Lia McHugh: It's funny, when I was in LA, there was a bit of a shift. But I actually live in Georgia in a smaller town and, it's funny, when people around where I live start to figure out, people just talk a lot, who lives there. It's almost like I'm extra famous where I live because people aren't used to seeing celebrities. I'm not really a celebrity. But, people here aren't used to meeting people or knowing someone like that. So it's like, 10 times more where I live, I feel like, than LA, I feel like people are used to it.
I don't know how many other Marvel actors you've had the chance to meet. But I know you guys get to go to each other's premieres when you have the opportunity. Have you met anyone that you've really wanted to meet, or a moment that really stuck out with you: a compliment or advice or anything like that?
Lia McHugh: I got to meet a lot of people at Comic-Con, almost everyone except Captain America and Iron Man, I