LEGO just announced a bizarre new toy crossover with Transformers. Initially starting as a line of toys from Hasbro and Takara in 1984, Transformers has since seen the creation of comics, animated shows, animated movies, and a series of live-action movies from director Michael Bay. The overarching story of the toys and the narrative-driven films and shows follows two warring groups of living, autonomous robots, the Autobots and the Decepticons, as they engage in an endless battle for supremacy while trying to remain hidden amongst general human society.
It was recently announced that a new show would be joining the large roster of Transformers content – Transformers: Earthspark. The show is expected to air on Nickelodeon later this year and will introduce audiences to a new generation of characters, both human and Transformer. The show is expected to be lighthearted and comedic in contrast to the Bay-directed live-action Transformers movies, which, while comedic, were heavily action and military-oriented. In addition to the new animated show, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, a new live-action feature film is also expected to release next year.
Related: Unicron Is Rise Of The Beasts' Villain – Transformers 7 Theory Explained
In a cryptic new tweet from the official LEGO Twitter account, a new toy crossover is expected to grow the Transformers franchise even further. The tweet includes a video that shows the Autobot icon transforming into the LEGO logo before text appears, saying, "It's LEGO Optimus Prime time!" The video also unveils the release date for the crossover, with the toy line expected to come in June of this year. Check out the Tweet below:
Begin the epic build. <a