In League of Legends: Wild Rift, Supports are usually Champions that have many forms of utility or protection. Whether it be shields, heals, Movement Speed buffs, Attack Damage buffs, Attack Speed buffs, or anything else of that ilk. Supports typically always have a way to enable their allies to perform better or to protect them from danger to save their lives.
League Of Legends Wild Rift: How To Play Pyke
However, Pyke is an extremely unique case, which is why players find such difficulty in dealing with him. He's the complete opposite of what most League of Legends: Wild Rift Support players are used to dealing with regularly, and this can take a lot of Micro adjustments to tailor gameplay to match up against a Pyke player. To combat this, this guide will also provide players with the best ways to counter Pyke.
Janna is one of the best Champions for disengaging and since Pyke relies heavily on isolating targets with his sneaky engages, Janna can interrupt him and put a stop to his plans. She can shield the ally pulled by his Q so they can't be quickly put into lethal range for Pyke's Ultimate. She can also Q Pyke when he's using his E to disrupt it. Lastly, she can use her Ultimate if she happens to be the victim of Pyke's Q, knocking him and his allies away while healing herself and all nearby allies. Pyke has no easy way onto her on any targets Janna is nearby, which makes it extremely difficult for him to find success in this matchup.
Rakan is pretty good at shutting down Pyke as he's one of the few Supports that can keep up with Pyke's mobility. He also has the flexibility in his skillset to engage or disengage, meaning Rakan can dive onto Pyke and get him killed before he can even fight back. Even if Pyke gets the