Though new champions always spice up League of Legends, many players prefer seeing older champions reworked over seeing new ones release. At this point in League of Legends' life, there is a ton of history behind some older characters, and as such there are some players who would rather see one of their old favorites revamped rather than see a new champion release.
Because of this, though League of Legends' newest champion releases soon, many players are looking to the future. The reason for this is that Riot recently held a vote among five older champions to see who the playerbase thinks most deserves a rework. Out of five champions, the winner of that vote by a landslide was Skarner, a scorpion-like elemental tank.
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Players believe that, much like League of Legends' lack of Void characters, one champion is constantly being put behind her other fellow mainstays. She has finished second place in multiple other update votes, leaving players frustrated that their favorite character is constantly playing second-fiddle to the other champions in the game. That champion is Shyvana.
Luckily, though she lost the latest vote, Riot has decided that Shyvana has received enough punishment, and hinted at the possibility she will be receiving a rework. In the past, Riot has reworked champions like League of Legends' Dr. Mundo randomly, bringing champions up to the present game in surprise reveals. In its update on the voting for the next rework, Riot devoted a paragraph to Shyvana, ending it by saying, «while we can’t promise that Shyvana will be the next big VGU we do, she is a pretty strong contender for the next one we explore outside of a VGU vote.»
For a character who feels like she has