Despite its occasional blunders, the Destiny franchise has successfully fostered a community of clever and loyal secret hunters and lore theorists who are always eager to share their thoughts with the rest of their peers. Often, this means veering deep into Destiny‘s most obscure pieces of lore, with expectedly mixed results. One of the latest theories that’s been posted on the r/DestinyLore subreddit, however, has more merit than most, and it may well be on the right track, given everything it’s got going for it.
Specifically, Level8Vermin recently posted an idea of how one of Lightfall‘s biggest mysteries might unravel come The Final Shape. Even though players do know by now that 2024’s DLC will see Guardians going inside the Traveler in their pursuit of the Witness, it is currently impossible to travel through the strange triangular portal. The main narrative of the ongoing Season of the Witch is centered around Savathun’s coy hints as to how the Guardians might overcome this problem, and Level8Vermin’s comes up with a theory that seemingly fits the bill. Do beware of spoilers, though!
According to Level8Vermin’s findings, the key to the portal lies in Nezarec, the Final God of Pain. Though the creature is now dead(ish), thanks to the Guardians’ raid exploits, one of the older seasons saw Osiris ingest Nezarec’s essence to wake up from a coma. This came about thanks to Mithrax’s concerted efforts to source bits and pieces of Nezarec, revealing along the way that simply killing the being off isn’t enough to get rid of it. Now, with Mithrax seemingly being haunted by the essence of Nezarec, things may well be falling into place.
Level8Vermin combines this information, alongside some of the newer tidbits of mysterious,