The initial reactions to the Borderlands movie are generally negative.
Premieres took place in numerous locations this week and the social media embargo lifted earlier, allowing those who attended to share their intial views ahead of full reviews coming later.
The vast majority of these initial impressions are critical of the film, with many criticising its humour (or lack thereof), its unconvincing CGI and its lack of excitement.
Only the cast, including Cate Blanchett and Jack Black, manage to escape with some plaudits based on the first tweets about the film.
Film critic Edgar Ortega wrote: “Borderlands feels like what an out of touch executive thinks the ‘cool kids’ find appealing.
“There is not a single earnest character moment here, just obnoxious quips that feel dated as soon as they leave the actors’ mouths. It’s not even so bad it’s good, just a complete mess.”
Bitesize Breakdown critic Adriano Caporusso said: “Borderlands is a disaster. Filled with every cliché you can ponder, this film swaps the mayhem and imagination of the games for a lifeless, unfunny, and visually repulsive dud with annoying characters and a cast with not one ounce of chemistry.”
Hs co-worked Nick van Dinther added: “Borerlands is borderline unwatchable. The violence is bland ad uninspired, the chemistry is non-existent and the trajectory of the story is both boring and painfully obvious. I had no expectations for this and yet I was somehow still let down.”
Movies We Texted About critic Matthew Simpson wrote: “Oh hey, I can tell you I’ve seen Borderlands now and that it’s really bad. I really wanted to like it, but an uninspired plot + several phoned in performances + being stuck in a weird place where it looks both expensive and cheap at the same time make it a huge misfire.
“Jack Black is great though. He’s the only one that matches the energy that the game and trailers promise.”
Freelance critic Sean Patrick Kelly wrote: “The social media embargo has now lifted and I can say that Borderlands