A newly released image from Jurassic World Dominion introduces a terrifying new dinosaur, the Giganotosaurus. Steven Spielberg enchanted audiences back in 1993 with Jurassic Park, which starred Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum and told a cautionary tale of the dangers behind a dinosaur-centric theme park. 2015 saw the beloved Jurassic Park franchise rebooted, featuring a host of new faces and new dinos. This new age of Jurassic movies sees Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard take the lead, with the third installment set to hit theatres this summer 4 years after its predecessor, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, was released.
The Jurassic World films introduced audiences to the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor, two genetically modified dinosaur species that were a far cry from the more commonly recognized dinos that one might be familiar with. The final moments of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom saw a variety of dinosaurs released into the world, having previously been rescued from their home on Isla Nublar, with Dominion now expected to explore the subsequent fallout of their newfound freedom. Many were delighted at the news that Neill, Dern, and Goldblum would be reuniting and returning for this upcoming release, with the dino experts set to team up with Pratt and Howard, as the world now adapts to the horrifying reality of dinosaurs living among them.
Related: Jurassic Park Fact Check: Could Dinosaur DNA Really Survive In Amber?
Now, a new image from Jurassic World: Dominion has been exclusively shared by Empire, which teases an exciting new dinosaur species that looks set to play a key role in the upcoming film. The image offers a stunning up-close look at the Giganotosaurus, as well as an exciting glimpse at
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