Jurassic World: Dominion magazine covers showcase both the new and original casts of the franchise. Dominion is the latest sequel in the Jurassic Park franchise, which began with 1993's original starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum. After the first two sequels, the series underwent a semi-reboot with Jurassic World, which kicked off in 2015, ushering in a new cast of characters that included Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. Jurassic World: Dominion is the third in this revamped series and is directed by Colin Trevorrow.
The latest entry in the franchise has been reported to be the longest one to date and a wrap-up of the new trilogy. Merging the original and new casts into one film is no small feat and it's said that the original Jurassic Park cast will play a big role in the action, having their own storylines that will merge with the Jurassic World cast at some point in the film. In addition to the familiar cast members, newcomers joining the film include Campbell Scott, Kristoffer Polaha, DeWanda Wise, Dichen Lachman, and Mamoudou Athie.
Related: Why Jurassic Park III Is Better Than The Lost World, Despite The Hate
Empire just released the covers for its Jurassic World: Dominion feature, which has both the new and original casts split up in two separate spreads. Neill, Goldblum, and Dern are featured on one, alongside a dilophosaurus, a baby nasutoceratops, and the pyroraptor. Meanwhile, Pratt, Howard, Wise, and Athie are featured on the other cover alongside the fan-favorite velociraptor, Blue, as well as her offspring, Beta. Check out the full covers below:
Jurassic World: Dominion marks the first time that the original cast has been reunited in one film since the first Jurassic Park. All of the
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