Set to reprise their roles in this summer's Jurassic World Dominion, the original cast of Jurassic Park discuss the level of secrecy that came with releasing a film in the pre-internet age. Following on from the events of 2018's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Dominion is this third installment in the Jurassic World franchise, which sees Chris Pratt star as Owen Brady and Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing. The final moments ofFallen Kingdomteased a new world in which dinosaurs and humans are forced to co-exist, a terrifying concept that is set to be explored in Dominion, which is set to hit theatres in June this year.
While this exciting new Jurassic World installment was highly anticipated by many already, audiences were delighted by the news that the original Jurassic Park cast would be returning to reprise their legacy roles alongside Pratt and Howard. Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum originally starred in Steven Spielberg's 1993 classic, Jurassic Park, which first introduced the idea of playing god with dinosaur DNA. Neill starred as Dr. Alan Grant, Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler, and Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm. Goldblum's Malcolm made a brief appearance in Fallen Kingdom, offering the world an ominous warning as to the potential impacts of altering the course of natural history. Now, with their exciting return just around the corner, the original cast have discussed a major difference between the creation of Dominion and Jurassic Park.
Related: Dominion Can Finally Reverse Jurassic Park’s Worst Hammond Mistake
In conversation with Vanity Fair, Neill, Dern, and Goldblum discussed how production on Jurassic Park was granted a considerably greater amount of secrecy when compared to the Jurassic World franchise,