Jurassic World Dominion is the sixth installment in the iconic Jurassic Park franchise, making its historic entrance in theaters on June 10. The new film follows the events of 2018's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and marks the final movie in the Worldtrilogy that began in 2015. The story starts with dinosaurs now living and hunting alongside humans, bringing into question which species will remain the true apex predator of the planet. Funko has now unveiled the latest highly-anticipated figures in their Jurassic World lineup. Already available for pre-order through Entertainment Earth, these vinyl figures are some of the most popular and highly sought-after collector’s items around, combining a cute «chibi» aesthetic with a way to display fandoms for all to see.
Funko first opened up shop in 1998, beginning its journey with a nostalgia-themed bobblehead line called Wacky Wobblers. In the years since then, the company has grown and designed over 20,000 different products. Their most successful line is the Pop! Vinyl figure, which officially debuted in 2010 and comprises of dolls usually sold in a recognizable box with a number displayed that adds to its collector's item appeal. That being said, no matter which line of Funkos you are looking for, you can find them at Entertainment Earth.
Related: Thor: Love And Thunder Funko Pops Revealed
Online retailer and wholesaler Entertainment Earth has an impressively wide selection of incredible toys and collectibles for sale, showcasing various franchises that range from evergreen behemoths such as Transformers to the latest exciting MCU entry. Now they have added this new line of top quality Thor: Love And Thunder-inspired Funko Pop! Vinyls to their ever-growing collection
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