The Jurassic Park franchise has had many unforgettable moments with its dinosaurs over the years, but the original film has one perfect scene that remains its greatest. The supposedly franchise-ending Jurassic World: Dominion marks the sixth chapter in the near three-decade-long run of the Jurassic Park and subsequent Jurassic World movies, stretching back to Jurassic Park in 1993. Based on Michael Crichton's 1990 novel, Jurassic Park brought dinosaurs to life on the big screen in a way they had never been before — stunning contemporary audiences.
The sequence of the T-Rex escaping from her paddock after the electrified fences are shut off by unscrupulous computer programmer Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) remains one of the scariest and most tense monster movie moments in film history. Decades and several sequels later, it also hasn't lost a shred of its chilling impact. That's thanks to a combination of the direction of Steven Spielberg and the visual effects employed to bring the T-Rex to life.
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The arrival of the T-Rex, famously heralded by rumbling sound effects of her footsteps from a distance, built up to an entrance of her swallowing a goat whole before tearing through the depowered fence to get to her human prey. While not a graphic bloodbath, the T-Rex's escape doesn't pull punches when she eats Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero) and leaves Dr. Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum) badly injured. Aside from Spielberg's taut direction, the effects, a combination of CGI and animatronics, were revolutionary for their time in the early '90s and, along with the dinosaur's trademark roar, still leave a lasting impression of the T-Rex's menace.
The T-Rex escape is also in