A new 007 series from Dynamite Comics has been announced, written by the critically acclaimed Phillip Kennedy Johnson, following James Bond in a tale of Russian espionage that brings Bond back to his spycraft roots. The new series "...takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through the high-stakes world of intelligence and espionage, with a healthy dash of breakneck action," with a story inspired by Ian Fleming's original James Bond novels that made the superspy so famous.
Dynamite Comics is known for publishing well-received comic adaptations of the 007 franchise, with their last series lasting over 70 issues, written first by Warren Ellis with art by Jason Masters, and then written by Benjamin Percy with art by Rapha Lobosco. James Bond's «Hollywood-ification» has made the spy into a bonafide action star, but his comics counterparts are able to achieve a more grounded version of the man of mystery, a truly talented espionage expert with a brilliant mind.
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Dynamite's 007 will be written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, known for his beloved epic fantasy comic The Last God, the current run of Alien, and the ongoing Action Comics run featuring Superman's battle to free Mongul's slaves on Warworld. Johnson, who is also an active Military Sergeant in the US Army, will bring his own unique take on the James Bond character to 007, in a gorgeous comic illustrated by Marco Finnegan (The Black Ghost, Thirty-Three). Bond will be forced to contend with his own allegiances to MI6 as he is left for dead by his superiors, struggling to unravel a new mystery, all the while reconnecting with a former 00 agent who of course is also an ex of Bond's. The gorgeous variant covers, revealed
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