The Legend of Pipi is a delightful animated short film with more charm and personality than most feature length tales can muster. Julia Schoel and a fiercely talented group of artists and animators have crafted eight minutes filled with drama, laughs, surprises, and creative twists on fantasy tropes that you can’t help but fall in love with. Best of all - it’s completely free.
From the opening moments it’s clear that Pipi is a labour of love. A declaration on how wonderfully silly cats can be and how classic games like The Legend of Zelda and myriad others have inspired an entire generation of new talent in the medium. I mean, the clue is in the name, but the film is stuffed with clever little references and observations that had me rolling my eyes in the most admirable way possible. It’s a cute little masterpiece.
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Pipi immediately reminded me of The Owl House and Amphibia - two shows I’ve covered extensively here at TheGamer - and how their fantasy worlds draw us in by both subverting obvious genre tropes while simultaneously indulging in them. From the opening moment you’re drawn in, with a heroic warrior tasked with saving a beautiful princess being swept away as it turns out the only fool willing to put his life on the line is a dopey little cat with tiny little limbs, bulbous eyes, and a sword threatening to fall apart with a single swipe.
The film’s premise is simple: Pipi must travel across the land in search of a princess in desperate need of saving and slay the dragon keeping her captive. It doesn’t go smoothly, with the unfortunate feline being bruised and battered when he finally reaches his destination. The running joke of him stumbling