@Truegamer79 Yeah. I think people have different definitions but for me it's anything more than two generations old so the PS360 era definitely counts!
Edited on by LN78
Well done and amazing news, to check the old girls fully functional I’d recommend a stress test — last of us., uncharted 3 or GT 6 .
I have noticed with ps3s even faulty ones that they play the majority of games fine but the 3 listed above tend to brick the machine — don’t worry a restart will fix it but it shows you the state of the machine and if any work is required.
If you get through that Scot free I’d say a thorough clean and if your going to use it as a daily driver an ssd really helps eliminate texture pop etc and generally sharpens things up a little.
If you do need work I found a great ps3 guru who has been very helpful to me with de lids and cap replacements .
Let me end with this the ps3 is a gorgeous machine inside and out and I can’t speak highly enough of these machines
I got one awhile ago and had Computer Booter swap the RSX for one from a Slim and replace the NEC TOKIN capacitors. Quietest I've ever heard a fat PS3 run!
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