The narrative prequel to Hyper Light Drifter, Hyper Light Breaker is set to launch into Steam Early Access on 14th January 2025.
Set decades before the acclaimed action adventure RPG, Hyper Light Breaker is making a pretty clean break(er) in terms of genre, even if it retains a lot of the visual traits of the original. This is now a 3D co-op roguelite where players will head into the Overgrowth and explore its procedurally generated worlds and challenges, looking to uncover the truth of the Crowns, the Abyss King and the eerie landscape in general.
Of course, this isn’t going to be the full game, with developer Heart Machine having plenty planned for the journey through Early Access. There will be new Breakers characters, Crowns bosses, gear, and more on the to-do list. They will also naturally be listening to the community feedback to help balance the experience and shape certain parts of it as it heads toward a 1.0 launch.
In our Hyper Light Drifter review, Miguel wrote, “Hyper Light Drifter is a jaw-dropping experience no matter the platform you play it on. What started as an engaging masterpiece in 2016 continues to be just as rewarding and worthwhile of a video game in 2018. With the Nintendo Switch you get the valuable bonus of being able to take this journey with you anywhere you want and believe me when I say this is a journey you will not want to step away from once you start it.”