Stationary abilities are used by several allies in and they can deploy them in a limited range, which tends to have long cooldowns. This means it becomes your responsibility to stay inside or run to them. Otherwise, you’re actively wasting your team Strategist or Vanguard’s protection or damage boosts. In some cases, these abilities harm the enemy, making it viable to bait melee brawlers in and watch them suffer.
For the most part, these buffs are static effects that the enemy cannot dispel. However, a few of them are deployable abilities in that can be targeted. Unless placed behind cover, your enemy can attack and destroy them quickly. In those cases, be sure to hide said items, but ping or tell your allies about their location. That way, they can fall back and still get the major benefits out of them.
As the name implies, stationary buffs are sent out by allies but can’t be easily repositioned in. Either they have long cooldowns, follow the caster, or are removed from the previous target. If you are the recipient of the Duelist, you may have to run back or hunt down these buffs.
It is a bit of give-and-take communication by the whole team, especially in Quickplay or lower Competitive matches. As the user, you may want to explain how your buffs work. In turn, if you are the receiver, you need to have spatial awareness of how your allies are trying to help.
It can be a bit confusing to tell allied and enemy abilities apart in. Team moves are often blue, and enemy ones are red. But, this isn’t universal, with some light red being the friendly one and darker red being the ones to avoid.
Allied health bars can be a game changer for players in Marvel Rivals, and most do not know this feature exists or how to toggle it on or off.
Many of these moves also double as traps for the enemy. If they continue to shoot, they are often wasting their time and cooldowns in. Use this to fool them before initiating a counter-attack.
For the most part, simply going to the buff is