Many gamers are well aware of what a behemoth Activision Blizzard is in the gaming industry. The company is so massive that Microsoft's acquisition comes with the historic price tag of nearly $69 billion, and should the acquisition go through, Microsoft will be the third-largest gaming company by revenue, sitting behind only Tencent and Sony. What may not be so obvious to many gamers is how much of Activision Blizzard's value comes from the Candy Crush developer King. Activision Blizzard's acquisition of Candy Crush cost $5.9 billion, and the simple puzzle game continues to rake in billions for its owners.
Candy Crush has managed to remain successful since it was released in 2012, and though it has improved in many ways over the years, the game is still far from perfect. Most notably, the social features are a little outdated, and this becomes a more glaring issue as the social aspect of gaming grows. There are a few ways that Candy Crush could improve its social features and make it a more enjoyable game to play with friends.
Microsoft Probably Won’t Become the ‘Amazon of Video Games’
Since its conception, Candy Crush has always tapped into the social aspects of gaming. The game had its beginnings on Facebook, where it was easy for people to share the game with friends and challenge them. The fact that the game is relatively simple yet addictive makes it an easy topic to post a quick message about, and it takes just a few moments of playtime for the game to hook new players in. Candy Crush has come a long way, but it still relies on social features and social media. For instance, players can connect the app to Facebook, invite friends, tap people's avatars to discover more about them, and send lives to help other players