Notorious Souls modder Lance McDonland has got Bloodborne running at 60fps on a PlayStation 5 without upscaling.
McDonald has been busy getting the game running at 60fps for some time — a video from 2020 shows the game at 60fps on a PS4 Pro. Digital Foundry tested their own PS5 version with AI upscaling you can watch below.
McDonald's new video has the game running natively on a PS5 at 1080p, without upscaling or interpolation. In McDonald's words, it's «just raw gameplay capture».
And what better way to show this off but with the Father Gascoigne battle, perhaps the game's most iconic boss.
It is deliciously smooth gameplay, most notable whenever the camera swiftly swings around.
Fans have been after an official 60fps patch for the game for a long time. Speculation we may one day see some form of remaster or re-release (or PC version) always pops up around PlayStation State of Play time.
Yet Sony and FromSoftware remain quiet, leaving fans hoping and modders… modding.
«The sweet frames. Oh, they sing to me!» reads one comment on the YouTube video. Another comment reads: «Look at it Sony, see how much we want this?!»
Over on Twitter, one user replied: «Lance will you come over and make this go on my PlayStation, please?»
Can you count me in on that too Lance?
Here is actual video of Bloodborne running at locked 60fps in 1080p resolution on PlayStation 5. No upscaling, just 6 minutes of real gameplay footage captured directly from PS5 hardware.
Check out the video below to see Bloodborne in all its glory.