Jax is one of League of Legends' most well-known champions. He was one of the game's oldest champions, so a redesign was long needed. However, he has earned notoriety in the summoner's rift for his AP build following a well-deserved rework roughly twelve years after his champion release in patch 13.1 of season 13.
The AP build for Jax has recently been making rounds on the internet since he can deal up to 370% AP damage to a single target. League of Legends players from all over the world have been testing this build, and the amazing burst capability of this build has left everyone speechless!
Due to his powerful passive and potential to outplay 2v1 duels, Jax has long been one of the most well-known champions on the toplane in League of Legends. He is also one of the few bruiser champions that can inflict AP and AD damage, making it more difficult for opponents to stockpile resistance.
Previously, in League of Legends, Jax had a 60% AP ratio on his Q (Leap Strike) and a 70% AP ratio on his ultimate R (Grandmaster's Might). However, with the patch 13.1 revamp, he no longer has an AP ratio on his Q. Instead, he has a 100% AP ratio with a 4% maximum HP of the target on his E (Counter Strike), and his R's passive awards him 100% AP when he uses his E concurrently. (With an additional 60% AP if the auto attack procs are passive)
Many League of Legends players and content creators have shared their experiences with Jax's AP build, and it is evident that this build is highly potent. And once he reaches his powerful phase, generally in the mid-late game when he power spikes while equipped with his core items, there's no stopping him from two-shooting the foes.
This article will serve as a comprehensive guide to League of Legends
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