Despite sharing a setting, Grand Theft Auto 5 failed to match the best qualities of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' open-world map. The 2004 installment in the crime simulation series brought players to San Andreas, a fictional state based on California and Nevada as they were in the 1990s. The game features three major cities: the Los Angeles substitute Los Santos, the San Francisco stand-in San Fierro and the Las Vegas-based Las Venturas. 2013's Grand Theft Auto 5 returned to San Andreas and Los Santos, but sadly the map is significantly less effective in some ways than its 2004 predecessor.
Many consider GTA: San Andreas the series' best game, and this reputation has a lot to do with the title's open-world map. Despite its comparatively small size, the fictional state of San Andreas and its three major cities give players a huge amount of content to explore. Players can find and enter a variety of locations, like garages, restaurants, gyms, and stores, which serve various functions for protagonist Carl «CJ» Johnson. In addition to main story missions, San Andreas is also bursting with different side missions to tackle including driving taxis, making deliveries, putting out fires, fighting crime and driving trains. This huge wealth of content means that every inch of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas map is filled with function.
Related: Why GTA San Andreas VR But Not GTA 5?
The fifth and latest installment in the Grand Theft Auto franchise, released in 2013, brings players back to San Andreas and the city of Los Santos. The map of Los Santos in GTA5 is enormous, with the surrounding San Andreas countryside creating a truly massive open-world map for players to drive, fly and wreak havoc across. The game features a wide