Grounded, Obsidian’s Honey, I Shrunk The Kids-esque survival game, received its final content update this week with ‘Fully Yoked’ update 1.4.
The ‘Fully Yoked’ update’s biggest new feature is ability to make decisions that can result in allying with the game’s ants. Players can also decide to betray the ants and be in conflict with them. There’s also a third approach that Obsidian isn’t discussing, so we can’t share any details there.
Continuing the ant theme, there are also 12 new Ant Queen inspired buildings in the update. Players can also adopt baby ant pets. All of these ant themed unlocks or rewards are earned through the decisions made when interacting with the ants.
Update 1.4 also adds New Game+ to the game. Once players have defeated the games toughest enemies, such as the Broodmother and Wasp Queen, they’ll unlock the REMIX.R, which allows them to enter alternate dimensions with remixed challenges. The idea with these is to make each playthrough unique.
There are also a smattering of new items and quality-of-life changes in the game update. Some of these include the ability for Hosts to switch saves in multiplayer without issue, use the ‘Recover Pets’ feature to return a lost pet, and more.
Get all the details over at the official Grounded website.