Yelan and Xiao's banners in Genshin Impact are pretty hype-worthy, so it's only natural that some players might want to know more about Pity. There are two main types of Pity in the game:
Hard Pity is when a player is guaranteed to get a 5-star character, while Soft Pity is just an increased chance of obtaining a 5-star character. Soft Pity progressively increases the more a player doesn't pull a 5-star character at a certain point.
This article will briefly cover how Hard Pity and Soft Pity work with Yelan and Xiao's banners. Both use the same overall formula for obtaining a featured character, so the difference lies in whether the player wants either Yelan or Xiao. is a website that documents stats related to players' pulls on banners. Here is a quick rundown of those stats:
The above data comes from 78,037 users and is constantly rising. Still, this high sample size gives players a general idea of how many pulls are necessary to get a specific 5-star character.
This data will likely change a little as more users submit their data.
Soft Pity is a term that refers to when a Genshin Impact player gets a higher chance of obtaining a featured 5-star character. This starts after a certain number of pulls without obtaining any 5-star character happens. According to's data, it begins at the 74th pull.
If a player obtains a 5-star character, their Pity will reset, regardless of which 5-star character they receive. So if somebody gets Yelan or Xiao on their 70th summon, they won't get Soft Pity in four more pulls. Instead, they would have to do 73 more pulls without obtaining a 5-star character to get this type of Pity on their 74th Wish.
The blue line in's graph indicates one's chances of pulling