Five animated shows based on books from Dr. Suess are coming to Netflix. Author and illustrator Theodor Seuss Geise altered the world of children’s literature with his work on over 60 books, written under the pen name Dr. Seuss. In 2019, the streaming giant and Dr. Seuss’ beloved work came together when Netflix and Dr. Seuss Enterprises collaborated for the creation of the animated series Green Eggs and Ham. Now, more iconic Dr. Seuss tales are coming to life on Netflix.
Netflix announced that five new animated series and specials based on Dr. Seuss' books are in the works. The animated adaptions include Horton Hears a Who!, The Sneetches,One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Wacky Wednesday, and Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose. Helmed by Dustin Ferrer, the Dr. Seuss animated series will be of various lengths. At this time, Netflix has yet to reveal a release date for the shows.
Related:Netflix's Green Eggs And Ham Cast & Characters
Netflix’s endeavor to expand its children’s programming pairs well with its partnership with Dr. Seuss Enterprises. Of course, Dr. Seuss’ whimsical world continues to resonate with viewers. The iconic books have experienced numerous adaptions over the years, including The Grinch, The Cat in the Hat, and the upcomingOh, the Places You’ll Go!. Netflix continues to bolster its catalog of children's content and will release Green Eggs and Ham season 2 on April 8. Until then, Dr. Seuss fans can look forward to seeing five of the author’s most popular works debut onNetflix soon.
Next: The Grinch: Every Easter Egg In Jim Carrey's Movie
Bethany is a news writer for ScreenRant and has been with the team since 2019.