In One Piece Odyssey, players get to explore the vast open world of Waford as they look to get their hands on Memorias and help the Straw Hats regain the abilities that they lost.
The world is quite big with multiple fast-travel points, with the main narrative of the game revolving around helping the Straw Hats escape the island. They will only be able to do so by exploring the most iconic arcs in the form of Memorias and defeating the various opponents in the game to regain their lost powers.
The game does get harder as the narrative progresses, which is what has led many in the community to be curious about checkpoints, and how often they will be able to save their progress in the game.
Unfortunately, One Piece Odyssey does not have a quick save or manual save feature that players will be able to avail as they continue to explore Waford.
However, the game does have an autosave feature that runs quite frequently. There are also numerous save points that players can interact with, which is the only manual way to save progress in the RPG.
Unlike some of the more popular RPGs and JRPGs, players will not be able to save their game whenever they want in One Piece Odyssey. There is neither a dedicated save button, nor a quick save feature that they can exploit when the gameplay gets difficult during some of the later encounters.
However, players will get to enjoy the title's auto-save feature that runs quite frequently, especially after reaching certain milestones or after completing a particular challenge.
Additionally, there are certain save points that are located throughout the map. Players will be able to explore these areas in the game to manually save the progress that they have made till that point.
These are some of the key