The new DLC features a variety of exciting Pokémon to catch, but which ones are available can vary a little depending on what version of the base game the DLC is added to. As with all games, the split nature of the release offers unique perks in each edition, and these carry over to the singular version of Neither lineup is necessarily better than the other, but one could end up being more preferable if it contains more favorites.
DLC for is a bigger experience than the expansion that preceded it, with a greater variety of NPCs, a longer runtime, and a more climactic story to wrap up the narrative experience. It's consequently no surprise that the exclusive Pokémon offerings are likewise more substantial in 's Pokédex, even if it's still not an especially long list. While had a total of six version-exclusive Pokémon, with three attached to and three to, doubles that to a total of 12 version exclusives that splits evenly for six in each.
's lineup of version exclusives for DLC features several different Pokémon types, with each of three basic Pokémon featuring an evolution as well. Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Ninetales represent the Ice type, with Ninetales branching out into Fairy as well. Cranidos and Rampardos make their Rock-type presence known with dinosaur-like forms perfect for head-butting. The Fire/Dragon-type Gouging Fire and its Electric/Dragon-type evolution Raging Bolt are new introductions for that can only be found with a copy of
's version exclusives follow a similar format to 's, with two Alolan variants, two general Pokémon, and two new introductions. Alolan Sandshrew and Alolan Sandslash represent the Ice/Steel type, and Shieldon and Bastiodon are Rock/Steel inclusions. Theoriginal exclusives for owners