Here's a quick look at the reworked Everbloom on the Patch 10.2 PTR and it will require some good interrupting from your party!
We've not going to get too indepth with the trash because there's a lot of it. We'll cover it more in detail in our future Everbloom guide, but here are some highlights:
When heading to the 2nd boss, there are Melded Berserker which will cast the instant cast spell Bounding Whirl. These will instantly jump to a ranged DPS and spin on their location. On a +20 Fortified, this deals about half the health of a clothy if they aren't already moving (e.g. Mage) + more damage per tick if they don't react. Because there's no wind up time, ranged will have to keep moving from side to side when they think a charge is coming to be able to dodge.
Combined with this pack are mobs that cast Choking Vines which needs to be interrupted or stopped, or else they will stun your party members.
The 3rd Boss, Archmage Sol's trash, is super deadly. All of the mages are CC immune making you only able to interrupt their cast using actual interrupts. There are 3 types of mages, one of each element, and each has one interruptable single target spell, and one special ability:
Infested Icecaller
Putrid Pyromancer