In Dark Souls, you could skip the bells and go straight to Sen's Fortress by activating the death camera without dying, walking straight through the gate as though it doesn't exist. All while the Onion Bro sits around crying because it's shut. Git gud, scrub. Turns out, a lot of tricks like that also work in Elden Ring.
You can walk right through fog walls or other obstacles like the magical barriers. For clarification, the white fog walls traditionally used for bosses are now gates that require keys for bonus treasure. The brown fog is for bosses. But to activate the glitch, you need to leap off a ledge at just the right height, coming as close to death as possible, tricking the game (thanks, PCGamer).
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Another popular glitch that's returned is move swapping. If you like the stats of a great hammer but want to jab like it's a rapier, you can! That trick works, as shown by YoJosherino on Twitch. Hell, one player even turned their torch into a warhammer - talk about a hot build.
This glitch is more recent. Only last year, Dark Souls speedrunners managed to break bosses entirely, forcing them to stand AFK while the player waltzed about. This obviously makes taking them down a bit easier since they don't fight back. The glitch is a little simpler, as well. All you have to do is parkour your way into a boss arena. That new jump button comes in handy, eh?
It seems as though the fog wall is what activates them. If you enter a boss arena without going through the fog wall, the trigger isn't pulled, so they don't aggro. If you manage to find a way to use the environment and get into a boss fight, that difficult three-hour death fest might just turn into a cathartic one-sided