Cards are an important part of the SuperCell-owned "Clash Royale" game in which players participate in 1v1 and 2v2 battles using 8-cards decks. These cards have different abilities and are combined to win battles.
One such strong card is "Ice Golem," which is often used by Clash Royale players as a low-cost mini-tank troop. When used properly, it can deal a lot of damage to the opponent and distract opposing troops.
From Arena 8, you can unlock the Ice Golem card. He is a melee unit with high hitpoints and damage who only targets buildings. The Ice Golem is a cheap mini-tank that bursts when beaten, causing minor area-damage and slowing any nearby troop or tower for 1 second. The in-game description of Ice Golem is as follows:
Skeletons and Bats can end in Ice Golem's death damage. He can completely defeat Goblins and Minions when paired with a Zap or Snowball. So, if it is not only a good tank troop, but also a good attacking troop to deal with low hitpoint troops.
To initiate a tiny counter-push, deploy the Ice Golem in front of the remaining troops. It can also be placed alongside a unit behind him on the bridge. This allows the Ice Golem to tank for the unit while also slowing down adjacent troops when it dies.
Since it is a Rare card, players can unlock it using the following ways:
Ice Golem is a good match for Hog Rider since it can deal with Skeleton Army, typically employed to deal death damage to the Hog Rider. The Ice Golem statistics are as follows:
Finally, Ice Golem is one of the best mini-tank troops in Clash Royale that can be used in multiple ways on the battlefield. Players should use it with high DPS troops to win battles.