Dragon's Dogma 2 fans were creating their pawns before the game even launched, thanks to a free character creator demo. Now, the full game lets you narrow down the search to find a pawn that's right for you - with some interesting criteria for players to choose from.
In Dragon's Dogma 2, various riftstones let you search for pawns with particular characteristics. Some of these are very interesting, like the one that lets you search for a pawn with "distinctive upper half". But it doesn't end there, as you can also look for a "male pawn of large stature", if you want a tall daddy in your party, keeping you safe.
There are also other riftstones that let you narrow down the search by a pawn's personality or combat experience, but let's be real, these appearance-based ones are the funniest, and will probably see the most use.
You'll have to find these riftstones in-game to be able to search for these charismatics, but once you do, you can use them to hunt down your desired pawn from any riftstone. This just means you won't be able to form the tall guy/large-chested party of your dreams from the get-go - you'll have to work for it.
You don't have to find your pawns attractive to get some use out of them, however. As we previously reported, you can also fling them off the nearest cliff, if you fancy it. There's a very good chance you will feel compelled to out of frustration since they're even chattier than they were in the first game - and they were hardly very quiet back then either.
With all of that said, the launch of Dragon's Dogma 2 has been brought down by something that very few of us saw coming - a whole load of microtransactions. When the game went live, players were greeted by a storefront offering everything from an in-game currency to a character editor at a premium. The backlash saw Dragon's Dogma 2 launch on Steam to "mostly negative" reviews, which have since risen to "mixed", but likely still far below what Capcom would like to see.
This prompted a quick
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