The Dragon Quest series is facing some unexpected challenges posed by more realistic graphics, according to the series' creator Yuji Horii.
Speaking with Denfaminicogamer, as translated by Automaton, the popular RPG series creator talked about some unexpected challenges for the franchise posed by more realistic graphics. As now character models have become more expressive and detailed, having a silent protagonist, or "symbolic protagonist," as Horii-san calls it, who allows players to be the main character of the story has become more difficult. With more realistic and detailed graphics, a character that just stands there will look like an idiot.
The Dragon Quest series creator feels there is no easy way to address this, as making the character react to events would ruin immersion. This, according to Yuji Horii, will become even more of a challenge in the future, so the day that the series will feature a different sort of protagonist may not be too far off in the future.
For the time being, however, things are remaining as they have always been. The next entry in the series, the long-anticipated Dragon Quest III HD-2D remake, will feature a silent protagonist and many of the features that have always defined the series. You can learn more about the remake launching later this year on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Nintendo Switch by checking out Kai's preview.