Digimon Survive's fourth Part finally reintroduces Miu to the story, alongside her partner Syakomon. It also introduces most of the game's main antagonists and sets up the main threat going forward while also expanding on the lore of the world the group has found themselves in.
Digimon Survive Part 4 opens with Arukenimon making her excuses to a cloaked figure, trying to make up for letting the children escape during part 3. The cloaked figure suggests she take Megaseadramon with her, and Monzaemon is also seen lurking. The arrival of an uninvited guest, in the form of Garurumon, aggravates matters further. He seems to care less about Arukenimon's goal and more about crushing the «traitors» who side with humans.
Digimon Survive Walkthrough: Part 3
Takuma startles awake, having had a nightmare about Ryo's death. He heads to the Cafeteria to find the others but only finds an irritable Kaito, waiting for the others to get their act together, so they can go look for Miu. He understands that they need time but understandably doesn't think they can afford to waste any. With some help from Dracmon, he's convinced to wait until noon before rushing off on his own.
This free action segment gives players 11 moves to work with, so there's a decent number of opportunities to raise affinity and even grab some useful items.
Agumon can be found here, triggering a conversation about what happened with Ryo and Kunemon. After cheering Agumon up, he wants to try to help the others and asks Takuma what he should do.
The discussion gives Agumon an idea, and he heads off somewhere, promising to be back by noon. This does not take an action and triggers a new event at the Woods by School. It also causes Shuuji and Lopmon to appear in the Corridor
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