Fangmon is one of the most well-designed Digimon in the series and serves as the main villain in Part 2 of Digimon Survive. As well as being a great antagonist, the demon beast Digimon makes for a great addition to any player's team during the early stages of the game and will gain access to some deadly Digivolutions as they approach the last few parts.
Digimon Survive: How To Download Guilmon
The first chance that players will get to befriend Fangmon comes at the beginning of Chapter 3, with the wolf-like creature appearing in Free Battle areas from that point onward. Digimon Survive players can also get Fangmon by Digivolving one of the game's more common Digimon, though some may well see this as a waste of evolution items.
Befriending Fangmon is more or less the same as befriending any other Digimon in Digimon Survive. Upon talking to the Digimon in a Free Battle, players will be faced with three questions or statements and must respond by choosing one of four possible answers. Choosing the best response will reward players with two points, with three points needed in order to have a chance of befriending Fangmon at the end of the conversation.
In keeping with his status as one of the game's antagonists, conversations with Fangmon are usually fairly unpleasant. He'll often try to make players feel bad about themselves or question their morals, in which case it's best to try and show that his jibes are having no effect. Players should refrain from indulging him where possible, using neutral responses whenever given the chance. For those who need a little more help, the table below includes the best responses to all of Fangmon's questions and statements.
The first time that players will encounter Fangmon is during Part 2,