In Digimon Survive, players can have their digital monsters undergo Digivolution after their Digimon reaches certain conditions. Digimon Survive tasks players with working alongside digital monsters in the world of Digimon. The game is one part visual novel and one part tactical RPG, with similar concepts to that of Pokémon. Traditionally in the Digimon franchise, evolution occurs during a battle but is only a temporary form change for any of the creatures. Digimon Survival changes a few of these features while retaining many core elements that fans know when it comes to Digivolution.
Players obtain their first Digimon partner long before they can freely evolve their digital monsters in Digimon Survive. Additionally, how players get Digimon in Digimon Survive determines how a Digimon evolves. Several Digimon become partnered with characters in the story and form bonds with one another as the narrative continues, dictating how they transform. Alternatively, those who befriend a Digimon after a free battle will have to Digivolve those pocket monsters differently from the main story creatures, which also presents unique after-effects.
Related: How to Get Gotsumon in Digimon Survive
Until players complete Part 1 of Digimon Survive, no befriend Digimon can evolve in a free battle. The end of Part 1 sees Agumon undergo Digivolution for the first time, granting access to the rest of the acquired Digimon ability to evolve. This includes the Digimon that have become part of the team after finding them. For example, the only way to get Betamon in Digimon Survive is by locating it and correctly answering its questions. To ensure that any found Digimon is acquired, pay close attention to the dialogue of the conversation before