A new installment in Disney's highly popular Descendants franchise has been officially greenlit. Targeted at Disney's tween audiences, the first film in the series, Descendants, was released in 2015, followed by two sequels. The film centers around the sons and daughters of classic Disney princesses and villains and features original music and dance numbers. The main story follows Mal, played by Dove Cameron, daughter of Maleficent, as she tries to abandon her mischievous ways to win the heart of the good-natured Prince Ben, played by Mitchell Hope, son of Belle and the Beast. The film franchise has spurred its own universe of sorts with short films, a book series, and animated one-off stories such as last year's Descendants: The Royal Wedding.
While the hype for the franchise has been at an all-time high, fans have been calling for a new official film to be added to the canon. The delay was due in large part to the unexpected passing of one of the main cast members, Cameron Boyce, who played Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, shortly before the release of 2019's Descendants 3. However, in September of 2021, Disney announced that two brand-new films were in development. Now, Disney has released official plot and character details on one of those upcoming films.
Related: Every Disney Descendants Trilogy Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
An official press release from Disney+ reveals the fourth movie will be titled Descendants: The Pocketwatch. The plot will be heavily inspired by Alice in Wonderland, as new characters Red, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, daughter of Cinderella, team up to travel back in time using the White Rabbit's magic pocketwatch to prevent a catastrophic event from taking place in
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