Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Demonology Warlock in The War Within? Our Demonology Warlock Writer, NotWarlock, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme for the content you're looking to do in the upcoming expansion. Join us as we explore The War Within Demonology Warlock!
Within this writeup we'll be talking about Hero talents, talent changes for the War Within, tuning, remaining issues for the Hero talents among other things. We'll be looking at both Diabolist and Soul Harvester a little more closely with the expansion coming out soon and everyone being able to get their fingers on some new enhancements. Does gameplay change? What's better? Find out below.
When playing Diabolist, your general priority does not change, you are able to play as normal with the only rotational difference being a faster casted Hand of Gul'dan at times from procs of Touch of Rancora. Ruination can add to your AoE profile but does not change anything rotationally, neither do any of the demons summoned by Diabolic Ritual. The Hero talents add new utility to your Demonic Circle if you take Soul-Etched Circles and can give you different forms of an empowered