Demon Slayer is one of the most popular shonen anime in the world. Ever since the anime's first season aired, avid anime watchers have flocked to it like bees to a honeypot. The anime's story is very interesting, which is enough to keep the watchers on the edge of their seats. After receiving plaudits from the fans and critics alike, it was obvious that the anime will receive a second season soon, and Ufotable delivered.
Demon Slayer has a great cast of characters, but the main protagonist, Tanjiro stands out from the rest. Unlike some other anime where the supporting cast supplants the main protagonist, in Demon Slayer, Tanjiro is at the center of things. Tanjiro has certain qualities that separate him from the rest of the anime protagonists.
Demon Slayer: How Inosuke's Fighting Style Stands Out
Tanjiro Kamado lived a happy life with the rest of his family in the woods. He would sell charcoal to raise money for his family, and all of them were content with what they had. But one disastrous incident changed his entire life.
When a demon attacked his home, he lost all of his family members with the sole exception of his younger sister, Nezuko, who managed to survive, but unfortunately, she was turned into a demon. Tanjiro had to care for her and protect her from the rest of the Demon Slayers. Tanjiro took it upon himself to find the solution for Nezuko's condition, and he set out to become one of the Demon Slayers.
Tanjiro has several qualities that separate him from the rest of the shonen protagonists. First of all, Tanjiro had to fight not just for his own life but for the life of his sister as well. Nezuko being a demon complicated things as normally demons eat humans to live. Tanjiro had to convince everyone that he met of